Date Submitted: 02/05/2017 08:21 PM
On a neighboring Hamlet, at 28.4 Me, BAC son commune, h. Thuan BAC (Ninh Thuan), a joint venture between TSV Corporation (HO CHI MINH CITY. HCM) and the company The Bule Circle (Singapore) held Intermittent wind power project with a total investment of 80 million us dollars.
The project is built on a total area of 9.4 hectares in BAC son commune, h. North, Pros has a total capacity of 40 MW.
Phase 1 investor, installing three turbines with a total capacity of space about 8 MWand put into operation, 10.2017. Then, continue to build 13 turbines head rest.
Expected, the whole project will go into operation, 10.2018.