Mr.Do Van Dien–Chairman cum CEO of TSV JSC. He is a construction engineer graduated from Hanoi Water Resources University..
After a period of working at the establishment II of Water Resources University at Ho Chi Minh City, on July 1997, he was invited to work here by Leader of Civil Engineering Construction Corporation No. 4 (GCC4), he was appointed as a representative of GCC4 in several joint ventures with foreign partners such as Thac Mo Hydropower; Da Mi Ham Thuan Hydropower Construction Joint venture, Dai Ninh Hydropower project ...
He took in charge of several projects for high-tech agricultural sector of Ho Chi Minh City in 2001.
On March 07, 2003, he and his friends and partners established 198 JSC - the forerunner of today TSV JSC.
From the founding date to the present, he is considered as the soul of TSV, who has experience in investing in different sectors of the economy.
In the country, he is a reputable person in the investors and has closely relationships with partners ... In international relations, he has very good relations with the large economic groups, the Banks, investment funds; the financial institutions in the world ... In the time of global financial crisis, Vietnam's economy is severe recession, he has made the appropriate policies so that TSV can overcome difficulties and challenges. Until now, he has put TSV to become a multi-sector investment company with eight subsidiaries operating in Vietnam and a representative in Singapore in which a number of projects have had joint ventures, investment cooperation with large international economic groups...
- In which a number of projects have had joint ventures, investment cooperation with large international economic groups such as Danieli; Euronavy International; POYRY Energy;
- He have good relationship with some big international enconomic groups such as : Danieli; …