Construction of the wind power plant 80 million USD

Construction of the wind power plant 80 million USD

Construction of the wind power plant 80 million USD

Construction of the wind power plant 80 million USD

Construction of the wind power plant 80 million USD
Construction of the wind power plant 80 million USD
News Details
Date Submitted: 02/05/2017 08:21 PM
On a neighboring Hamlet, at 28.4 Me, BAC son commune, h. Thuan BAC (Ninh Thuan), a joint venture between TSV Corporation (HO CHI MINH CITY. HCM) and the company The Bule Circle (Singapore) held Intermittent wind power project with a total investment of 80 million us dollars.
The project is built on a total area of 9.4 hectares in BAC son commune, h. North, Pros has a total capacity of 40 MW.
Phase 1 investor, installing three turbines with a total capacity of space about 8 MWand put into operation, 10.2017. Then, continue to build 13 turbines head rest.
Expected, the whole project will go into operation, 10.2018.