Investors appreciation wind power

Investors appreciation wind power

Investors appreciation wind power

Investors appreciation wind power

Investors appreciation wind power
Investors appreciation wind power
News Details
Date Submitted: 09/03/2015 09:20 PM

Currently the country has three wind power projects are running every generators with a total capacity of 54 MW wind power project consists of Binh Thanh, Phu Quy wind power project in Binh Thuan Bac Lieu wind power projects. The remaining 45 projects were registered investors with a total capacity of 4.822MW but not yet implemented. Bui Van Thinh, Vice Chairman of Binh Thuan Wind Power Association, has long had a policy of supporting wind power under Decision 37/2011 / QD-TTg of the Government, which has set the price for electricity purchased grid connected wind equivalent of 7.8 cents / kWh and a number of other supporting policies, but this was not enough to attract investors. 

This is expected in March, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will review the government approved a plan to increase the purchase price of wind power instead of being applied in Decision 37/2011 / QD-TTg.